Monday, May 5, 2008

Phunny Phillips' Kids Thoughts

I told Raney it was time to get out of the shower- she tells me she can’t get out yet because her knees are not clean- so I go to check on her. I look at her knees, which she displays very prettily- and then I say to her, “That isn’t dirt Raney- those are bruises! You can’t wash them off.” She giggles, turns off the water and steps out.

My kids were talking about the shots they might have to have before school next year. They seem to worry and talk about this often. At least, Raney does. Katherine was earnestly trying to explain to Raney about one of the shots. She kept saying, “Raney- you have done it before, it’s that computer test”.

I was listening and trying to help Katherine along, “Computer test? What kind of shot are you talking about?”

She crinkled up her face like she was trying to find the right words, “Hmmm not computer test, the TV test?” “You know, the blow a bubble on your arm…”

At this point the light bulb went off in my brain, “Oohhh a TB test!”

“Yes!” Katherine agreed loudly.

Very interesting- she knew that TB sounded like TV and TV was a type of electronic thing like a computer…funny thing about our brains…

Parker, Katherine and Raney were having a discussion about milkweed. Raney has loved walking around our neighborhood, and anywhere else she is, blowing the puffballs. Raney was pointing out the ‘dandelions’ on the side of the road. Katherine firmly informed her that they were NOT dandelions they were called something else. Parker quickly jumped in and argued that they WERE dandelions and that Katherine was WRONG. They went back and forth for a while. I thought about intervening- but the idea of trying to get into the mix was rather daunting.

Parker then went on to share the strangest little theory- especially for my information savvy 8 year old.

He said that those were called ‘dead dandelions’ and that when you blew the seeds, they flew off and planted themselves. The next day- you would find more ‘dead dandelions’ wherever the seeds had been landed. He said, “I know this is true because we do it everyday at school”.
WHATEVER! The lengths they will go to be heard….

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