Tuesday, November 6, 2007


People that say that they have no regrets in life are lying. We all have regrets...it is just since we can't do anything to change the past- we must comfort ourselves in anyway possible. It is a very human reaction to a very human problem. Many regrets are caused by sin and the choices we make or fail to make.

Consequences. Cause and effect. These are the difficult concepts to teach children. Some children get them with just being told about them...others have to experience the joy, the pain, and all the emotions in between.

Jesus came so that we might be saved from a life of death, a life with no purpose, a life with no hope and a life without unconditional love. Jesus came to bring life- abundant life. He takes away the sting of death...but many times the consequences of our sins will still sting.

There are sins and choices that cause wounds...and they heal. And we are forgiven. We move on and then the scab is ripped off and there is more pain and a deeper sting. And we must come to the cross of Jesus again. Broken, at the feet of Jesus.

This past Sunday and Monday I watched my husband willingly allow himself up to having a wound ripped open up again. Many of you were there and if you weren't you can listen to his sermon on www.frontlinedc.org.

Though he and I had talked about him sharing his past pain- the reality has hit harder in some ways. It wasn't a done deal that Todd was going to share his own experience. Todd doesn't share things of his past to glorify or make light of the choices he made. It can be a hard balance to strike- Todd doesn't ever want people to make bad decisions thinking, "Todd turned out alright." Todd doesn't' want others to go through the pain that much of his past caused.

God had taken much of the pain of this particular choice away many years ago after Todd surrendered his life to Jesus. But...we hadn't realized that with maturity in Christ- there is a deeper understanding of what he did. And having our own children has made it more real. His parents and my parents heard for the first time while listening to the sermon and Todd had to talk to his mother. He hurt that he hurt her.

We are not alone in our choices or sin- it can affect so many others.

Todd doesn't question the forgiveness, or the grace that God has given him. But, there is always the earthly reality of the choices we make that we have to face. Consequences. Painful, heart wrenching consequences.

My husband came home last night after Arlington completely exhausted and emotionally spent. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him. And I realized I wasn't the only one hugging him- Jesus was right there with us comforting Todd, carrying his burden with him.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matt. 11:28

For Christ's love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! 2 Corinthians 5:14-17

1 comment:

Todd Phillips said...

Thank you, Angel, for being there for me when I needed you , and Jesus, to remind me that I am loved despite painful choices in my past. I also appreciate your ability to put to pen what's it my heart at these difficult moments. I love you.