Thursday, January 24, 2008


There is a saying in life ‘that too much of anything is never a good thing’. I would tend to agree with that quote in all things except in regards to Jesus.

Jesus himself says in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.”

Todd always loves to point out in his sermons that having life more abundant in Christ doesn’t always mean just the good things. Living more abundant in Christ, possessing more of Jesus, allowing God to seep into all parts, and letting the Holy Spirit indwell every aspect of your life is not always easy…and the result is not always smooth.

We visited with some friends of ours recently and they told us their family’s theme of the year was going to be ‘wisdom’. Todd and I thought that was pretty cool. I left them thinking about what our family’s them might be. Todd and I haven’t talked about this directly, but at the end of this past year what was becoming clear to he and I was the idea of ‘more of Jesus’. That is what we put in our Christmas card not just as a trite sentiment but because that is truly what we wished for those we cared about. We wanted 2008 to be a year that they saw more of Jesus in their own life…no matter what that looked like.

I reviewed my blog on satisfaction ( and realized that God was working, even then, on making this concept clear in my life. And as with most truths that God reveals to me, I have to process them for a while before I can truly claim them for my own life. Why? Well, because my Christian experience has taught me that nothing from God is cheap. We see that especially in the cost that Jesus paid for our lives. There is a cost in truly following God and one should always be willing to pay the price before stepping out in faith.

I don’t mean to sound negative because the rewards are great. God’s peace and God’s joy is worth anything…truly! And…we know, that we know, that we know- that God will always catch us. But…there might be a time of falling. And a time of struggle.

Todd, Parker and I were watching the 3rd Indiana Jones movie and at the end he has to step out into the abyss in faith…and as you know- there appears a walkway, seemingly in the midst of thin air. But there is a short time of falling before the walkway appears.

More of Jesus…more faith, more willingness to face trials, more opportunity to fall, and more opportunity for your faith to mature and be strengthened in the understanding of ultimate dependence on God.

John 15 and 16 are so very powerful. Jesus begins chapter 15 with the example of the vine and the branches and how important it is to stay tied to the vine, Jesus and His word, to gain sustenance. He goes on in chapter 16 to express why…because the disciples were going to face many trials after Jesus’ death- including grief and sorrow. There is a lot of truth and promises revealed in both of these chapters but one of the most powerful statements occurs in the very last verse of Chapter 16:

33"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

And that is what we hold onto…that is what gives us hope- the knowledge that Jesus has overcome the world and all that is in it. The victory is already won…so we can safely pursue more of Jesus, even knowing we might have a time of free fall, because in HIM we find peace…and ultimately victory.

But…apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.”)

Are you ready to have more of Jesus…More trials, more learning, more conviction, more sorrow, more fruit, more peace, more joy, and more victory?

All I can tell you is that for me…it is a daily struggle…and right now I am holding on to the verse in John 16:33 to take heart! He has overcome….

Monday, January 21, 2008

My submission

I have been quiet over the past few weeks for many reasons. The cold air seems to bring my spirits down, my grandmother's passing still resonates in my soul, and just getting back into the swing of things after the holidays leaves my brain rather numb.

However, after listening to Todd's sermon from Sunday night, I felt the need to speak. Todd did a wonderful job addressing a difficult passage in Colossians. I listened live online and enjoyed, agreed with, and laughed with him as he spoke. But...I felt he gave me way too much credit regarding submission to my husband. You can listen to it as well at

Todd was correct in his description of how we work together in our marriage- that we both do not see submission as direct obedience but as the voluntary surrendering of my will at those difficult times when we have not agreed. One of the reasons I fell in love with Todd was that he was unafraid of my strong personality or my strong opinions. He relished discussions and I never ever felt I had to deny who I was to be around him. His will, his security and his relationship with Christ was strong enough to allow me to be who I was. To say that I was always Godly or biblical in my expression would be incorrect, but Todd has most always allowed me leeway and allowed God to be my teacher except in some direct situations where he pointed out false thinking or ungodly action. Most of the time this has been in regards to gossip or speaking badly about someone.

I wanted to speak out about submission because in those instances where I submitted to Todd's leadership- it was not always easy for me. There were times where I held resentment in my heart and though I didn't express superiority to Todd- I felt it in my heart. I confess this to you all so that you know that you are not alone if you struggle with submission. However, I do not regard my response as one that God honors.

I too, see those times as growth for Todd, but I wanted you all to understand they were also times of growth for me. Those times were used to shape me to understand and trust the sovereignity of God. Those times were used to bring me face to face with my own issues of pride. Those times were used to break me, and mold me. I learned that in being 'one' with my husband- that also includes suffering with Him. I was taught how to uplift him, and how to esteem Todd up through learning how to pray through my resentment, allowing the Spirit of God to shatter my superior feelings and reminding me that I am also a person with much sin that has to be forgiven.

Realizing that God knew the innermost parts of my heart was humbling. Understanding that any issues we might have been having as couple might have been because of my own actions was eye opening.

I still see the strengths I bring to our marriage partnership. But, as most of all us know, many of our strengths have an underside to them- a weakness, if not kept in check with the truth of God.

God has an amazing purpose for marriage- and for leadership and submission. And it requires both the husband AND wife to belong to Jesus first. To be seeking Him in all things- to remaining tied to the vine of Christ on a daily basis and to voluntarily surrender your will to that of God. There might be times when you as a wife, have to submit to your husband, and it might be a challenge. But, I pray that you all are able to do it with more grace and obedience to God that I was able to do at times.



Saturday, January 5, 2008

Be thou Near to Me


O, Lord I come with heart here open

For in my hour of darkness, I may be

Seeking the joy unspoken

O Lord, be thou near to me

And the holy voices sing hallelu

Ever will thy reign be

As I wander through this life,

O Lord, Be thou near to me

Though in this burden of my making,

Yet in the shadows still a light I see

Maker, whose love is not forsaken,

O Lord, be thou near to me

And the holy voices sing hallelu

Ever will thy reign be

As I wander through this life,

O Lord, Be thou near to me

I gave my mother a Greatest Hymns CD from Selah for Christmas. This song is on it. I can't express the feelings of peace I felt as I listened to it while driving around in Texas. Though there seemed to dark clouds- as I listened to this song and the truths expressed- there was a break in the clouds and I heard the voice of God...

There is a reality to our lives...and we all come face to face with it at various times. Our life will have pain...and suffering...and joy...and peace.

Grief is like being dropped off a cliff. It is like you are walking along and then all of the sudden you are down, down, down...and all the faces peering over the edge seem so very far away. It can surprise you and overcome the sunniest day.

And yet...there is peace. Peace because God reigns- His reign is forever and He is near.

Psalm 146:1-2;10
Praise the LORD. Praise the LORD, O my soul. I will praise the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. The LORD reigns forever, your God, O Zion, for all generations. Praise the LORD.

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you...James 4:8a

And as you realize the truths of God- you step away from your darkness, from your wandering and from your grief...and you understand that the gift we have been given is for today. That though God is forever and the beginning and the end- we are to live today for Him. That is all I can do. I can get up today and get out of bed and live for God. I can draw near to him and allow Him to draw near to me. I can open myself up to His guidance today. Tomorrow is not here yet and worries or fears or anticipation will do no good.

We listen to some children's songs by Steve Green. They are scriptures set to music. One of the songs is Proverbs 18:24 "A man of too many friends comes to ruin,But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." And in the song it jokingly says, "A friend who stinks?" and then goes on to correct that with the right words.

One day recently, Raney was going around and repeating herself (which she does quite often) and she was repeating this song, dancing around and singing to herself, "There is a friend, There is a friend, a friend that sticks, a friend that stinks? No! A friend that sticks...closer than a brother!"

Again and again I heard her sing. What a gift! We have a friend in Jesus and He sticks to us like glue...

So again...while I sit with eyes closed and hands open on my lap...from the song I sing in my heart

O, Lord I come with heart here open
For in my hour of darkness, I may be
Seeking the joy unspoken
O Lord, be thou near to me

So if you are in the darkness, or wandering around in the wildnerness- sit and and allow God to be near to you...