Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Sleep Tight

The 'going to bed' process at our house can take a while. Most of the time, I am just trying to 'get er done' because I am tired and have been with my children for a while. I like to read them books for many reasons two of which are that I love books and it also cuts down on their talking time. We tend to have to limit Parker's questions to two...otherwise, we would be there all night.

Todd uses the time to spend moments with our children that they love. They get to have 'conversations' with dad.

The other night...I just had to mute the TV so I could listen. I heard Todd go into Raney's room and I heard him ask her, "What do you want to talk about?"

She answered, "Jesus!"

I could hear the smile in Todd's voice as he told her that he loves to talk about Jesus. Their conversation consisted of what Jesus did on the cross and why, and how God can save her from her scary dreams and other such stuff.

Then Todd went into Katherine's room. Katherine wanted to talk about Grana (my grandmother who is slowly leaving this world) and heaven. Katherine wanted to know about heaven and how Grana knew she was going and what would it be like. Grana has been longing to join her family in Heaven...even as those of us left here still grieve her absence of mind if not her body. Her prescence is already missed. And Katherine is trying to figure it all out.

Parker was last. Now, Parker likes to have long drawn out conversations. Sometimes it is because he wants bedtime to not come but other times it is just because he is so very curious. Parker wanted to hear about mountain climbing and different mountains that Todd knows about.

And then...I heard this song on the radio. Joseph's lullaby by Mercy Me. A video of the song is below:

It is such a sweet song...and as I listened to the words and sentiment expressed, I pictured my children's sweet faces...and I thought about Joseph and Mary watching the baby Jesus sleeping.

And I thought about God watching over all his children as we sleep.

And I as I sit here crying...I picture our Father in Heaven watching over my grandmother sleeping...and slipping to join Him in Heaven.

Sleep tight Grana.

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