Saturday, June 28, 2008

Phillips Family- Life on the Road

Hello all,

Many of you know the kids and I are in Texas visiting family while Todd is on a Mountain Climb in Russia. Todd is with a group of Frontliners raising money and awareness for water in Liberia. Their goal is to provide water for the entire nation over the next 5-7 years. The group is working with Living Water International to organize water wells, pumps, etc. so that clean water will be provided for the people of Liberia. I thought I would share Todd's blog regarding the team's progress in Russia.

As far as the kids and I...
We are doing extremely well though we have been surprised at the whirlwind pace we are moving! We have been to Houston, a visit to a Lakehouse-( lots of fun, sunburn and sore muscles). We have plans to go to San Antonio, and East Texas this next week. Though we had scheduled a time to visit the Hurt Family at their new home in Victoria-we had a minor emergency room visit that took precedence. Katherine had a fall from her bed which caused a concussion...but we hear the Hurts are taking Victoria by storm!

Many blessings to you all,

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