Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Light at the End of the Tunnel?

This is the first year that all three of my kids will be in school the whole day! Am I happy? Am I sad? I am not sure what to feel, except I am looking forward to school starting. It is time.

People keep telling me, and I have found myself repeating: "I can see the light at the end of the tunnel". And yet...I wonder?

I am really starting another type of tunnel- and one day I will see the light at the end of that one...and then start again. Because, I think, as a parent- it is never easy. And it never ends. Whether your children are all under the age of 5, or starting school, or starting to drive and date, or heading off to college, or getting married, or starting families of their own, or...ever. You are always a parent.

Those first few years were not easy...but they brought their own joys. Some things that helped me along the way was laughter, time with God and time with other mothers.

When we lived in Texas- MOPS was my saving grace. I started when Parker was 7 months old. It was not always easy getting there and I couldn't do the crafts to save my life- but the fellowship and the looking beyond myself was a huge gift.

I joined not knowing anyone and came away with many friendships. I loved actually eating a meal without a child on my lap, I loved getting dressed for a purpose, I loved hearing tips on how to be a more Godly woman, a better mother, and a creative genius. I am not sure I achieved any of those- but it gave me hope and inspiration to hear other women share their own journeys.

As my children grew older, I went to another MOPS group and was a 'table leader'. I loved it! You see, since I had THREE children I became the veteran to those new mothers. Who knew?

I knew I didn't have it together. I knew that on the way I had spilled my egg dish on that sharp turn as I was trying to feed my youngest with my arm over the seat, while yelling at my oldest to be quiet, and trying to get my middle to keep her shoes on. But those very experiences enabled me to encourage.

And when we moved to Virginia, I joined a 'Wednesdays for Women' group at our Church. For two years, the women there encouraged me. I was consistently late, and many times Raney was just wearing a jacket and diaper since she was severely carsick and had thrown up on the way, but God blessed my time with those women and with Him. One of the women even brought me a LARGE coffee can for the car with a lid for those throw-up experiences...what a priceless gift!

Most recently, I have loved being part of a small group- going through the book of John (and other topics) while living in the messiness of life.

There are times I have taken a break from community. Whenever I find myself having a 'pity party' and I complain to my mother- she pushes me to find a Bible study, get in with a group of women, saying, "Julie, don't you remember how you loved it?" And I have done the same with her. She is with a group of women she has known for years and years, but sharing Bible Study together is something they hadn't done since their kids were young. I am excited about joining Community Bible Study.

And I wonder, what's next? Where is God going to take me now?

All I know is that I am seeking, waiting expectantly for God, celebrating where I have been, and where I am going.

I encourage you to get connected to some type of fellowship or community. It really doesn't matter what stage in life you are in- there is a group of women waiting just for you.

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