Friday, September 18, 2009

Thoughts on Motherhood

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…
{God} has made everything beautiful in its time
Ecclesiastes 3:1, 11a

Sonogram pictures, alien movements in your stomach, explosion of cellulite in places you can't see, waddling, pain, wonder and awe. Sleepless nights, spit-up stains, teething for a year, a smile, a baby giggle. And so it begins.

The endless and amazing journey of motherhood. Motherhood demands finding joy in the mundane. There are days you don’t want to answer to the name “momma” and days when you just wish they would say ‘momma’ and not ‘moooom’.
It is a battle to find yourself; creating a new role that grows, changes and evolves through different stages of life. So much is required. So much is taken.

God is the sustainer of the Universe and the sustainer of Mothers. HE is who you depend on when the cheerios are flying, when the fever doesn’t subside, on your first run to the Emergency Room, as you sit outside your child’s room while he is in ‘time out’ and as you see your child walk out the front door and onto the school bus.
Jesus loved to speak in parables. Parables were stories, short- some of them only a sentence or two , that were extremely long on powerful and life giving truth. Mothers tend to talk to one another in parables. Advice floats around any playground, waiting room, and biblestudy class. Sometimes the advice is blatant, but most often, it is told through a story, a recounting of past experience or a commiserating moment. Sometimes you appreciate the advice, latch onto it, and at other times you just tune out.
Tuning out- another gift acquired by becoming a mother.

These moments are basic reminders of this truth: to savor every moment you have with your child, realizing that there is a time for everything and God has made everything beautiful in its time. To remember: put everything in the eternal perspective, taking each day one at a time- while preparing little hearts for eternity.

Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. It is an intense balancing act made up of many dichotomies. You meet the needs of yourself, your husband, your children while serving and loving God. You clean the house and go on a date with your husband. You hug your child and you discipline your child (or you discipline your child and then hug your child). You become a gourmet cook as a newlywed- to make peanut butter sandwiches as a mother. You look through magazines and admire the designer clothes just to get up the next morning and throw on the sweats. You are filled with warm fuzzies looking at your children sleeping and want to pinch their heads off as soon as they wake up.

Motherhood- pulling, pushing, gnashing, tearing, and... loving- more than you ever thought yourself capable. Is it any wonder Mothers are exhausted and amazing? Props to the moms out there!

xoxo- Julie


jessel said...

Amen Julie! Thanks for your thoughts. You are right. This is not for the faint at heart! Alana just started Kindergarten and I've reflected about all the joys and hardships of my last 5 years as well!

Alexander said...

Very nice. I enjoyed reading this. My wife and I are new parents. Our beloved angel, 16 days today, has kept us awake each single night for hours and hours. We are loving our nights as we are fully aware that this won't last and they'll "grow up so quickly".

Though at times Monica just wants to cry right alongside the baby (which we laugh about the next day), we are truly grateful to God for her and the joy she has brought to our lives. We have named her Seanna, meaning God is Gracious.

As for your statement on Mothers, I can tell you that I was in awe at how they can withstand 12 hours of labor without food, contractions, pain, deliver a baby, feed the baby, and take care of the baby throughout the night without any sleep. I didn't do any of the hard work and I was passing out at the hospital.

God bless you.


PS - You should add an RSS feed to your blog.