Saturday, August 4, 2007

Cat Stalker

We got a cat on July 4th. Initially, we were just going to go and check out the cat to see if it was one we wanted...but of course, we came home with her. I have never had a cat before so their behavior is rather interesting to watch. She is very, very playful, cute, and loves to lay around on our laps.

She also loves to seek out her prey...and we have this little stuffed mouse filled with catnip that she loves to roll around and pounce on.

However, my youngest daughter Raney Grace also loves this little mouse toy...and any other toy that Sweetie, our cat, is wanting to play with. Raney follows the cat around constantly, snagging her toys and then hoarding them wherever she goes (guess she needs to listen to Todd's sermon about hoarding!).

A familiar refrain at my house right now is "Raney- step away from the cat and put down her toys!" I probably say it thousands upon thousands times each day.

Raney sits and watches the cat eat, moves her food around, tries to lock her in cabinets, rooms, and any other closed space. Sweetie has been pretty good sport about it all. I think it bothers me more than her. If I am trying to talk to Raney about the cat and asking her to get away...Raney can barely focus on what I am saying- her little eyes are darting back and forth as she blankly says, "yeah mom, yes, okay, un huh". So, I call her my little cat stalker.

I was watching her the other day and reminded about Satan...not that Raney IN ANY WAY reminds me of Satan- but the way she follows the cat around reminds me of the verse in the Bible: "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings"(1 Peter 5:8-9)

Of course, I could also make a case for an analogy between our cat and this verse...but Raney is what sparked my memory.

It is so important that we stay tied to the vine of Christ throughout each day. There are so many temptations out there, and like Raney, we can become so enamoured of the object of our affection, that we fail to hear the warnings, the voice of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and we end up being addicted, or caught up in sin before we even know it.

No matter how many times I tell Raney that the cat might scratch her- she still goes after what she wants. She is truly obsessed and we are working on breaking her of her 'cat stalking habit'.

What sin are you 'stalking'? Stalking or tracking or careful, be alert! The devil knows his prey- us- very well.

And as the rest of the verse says, "Stand firm!" share your issues with your small group, help them hold you accountable. God says he always provides a way out of every temptation...

1 Corinthians 10:13 "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

And I have one caveat...anything you are 'stalking' to the point of taking you away from your first love Jesus Christ- can be considered a sin- even something good like the love of a person...or pet as in Raney's case.

Examine. Seek Truth. Allow for God to change you if needed.

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