Saturday, August 11, 2007

Katherine and Butterflies

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
(2 Cor. 5:17)

Butterflies...fluttering wings, sporadic movement, lightening of spirit, somewhat solitary, and striking beauty- even with the most blandest of colors.

Sometimes I associate things with my children. Parker and Rainbows, while Katherine has always reminded me of a butterfly. But, never more so than the other night.

She and Todd were watching Angels in the Outfield and I was downstairs with Raney. I went back upstairs to get the girls ready for bed and Todd told me that he and Katherine had been talking about angels and God.

Katherine got up to take her medicine and with a fluttering hand- directed her daddy and I 'to talk about things'. I could tell something was up.

Todd told me that Katherine was ready to ask Jesus to come into her heart. wow.

Now, since Parker made that decision over two years ago, Katherine has been very curious and asking questions but always coming to the conclusion that she wasn't ready or that she wanted to wait until she was older. But, now the day had arrived.

Todd took Raney upstairs and I talked with Katherine who was all smiles and giggles. I asked her if she knew who Jesus was?
"He is God and God's son"
Do you know what He did?
"He died on the cross so I can live forever"
Do you know what sin is?
"Things like lying and not being nice to my sister"
Do you understand forgiveness?
"when the bad things I do don't matter anymore"
Did Jesus stay dead?
"Noooooo! He rose from the dead and there were angels

I am always hesitant for young children to make the decision to become a Christian. In spite of my own experience at age 6, I worry that since we live and breathe ministry and church. I want to make sure that my children feel these things deeply and not just feel pressure. Plus, I knew Katherine really loved watching Parker getting baptized and maybe baptism was on her 'cool' list. Of course, Todd was over on the other couch freaking out that I might let this opportunity pass us by...again~ typical pastor!

Katherine was pretty adamant- I decided to trust her instincts since she had previously decided she wasn't ready.

We called Parker home from a friend's house and he arrived. We asked him to tell his sister about his experience, and we had Katherine share with him as well. Then, Todd led my beautiful daughter in a prayer asking Jesus to come and live with her, to be inside her heart, and to help her live her life in a way that glorifies Him.


Then it was time to share the news...Katherine called friends and family to let them know she "asked Jesus into her heart and is going to be baptized".

To her friend Leah Hurt (age 5) who is a Christian: "When you are ready to be baptized let me know because I am already ready!"
To her friend Tyler (age 8) who is a Christian and has been baptized: "Good for you Tyler, were you scared? How deep was the water? Like one foot, 2 feet or 5 feet?

My daughter, a beautiful butterfly, a new creation in Christ, my sister forever.

1 comment:

Allison said...

I love this! You're a gifted writer Julie! Putting the words down in a way that makes me feel like I was there for this special moment!